Friday, March 25, 2011


Here is one of my short stories. Of course I am guessing you have not heard of it. It is a short story called The Bagmans Story.
" Web. 25 Mar 2011. <>.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Here is the cover to one of my darker novels, Hard Times. I believe that this novel was important to the time because I wrote it soon after my wife left me and in the same year my that my father and son died.
Web. 25 Mar 2011. <>.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Here is a picture of the row house where I spent the happist days of my life. Reading my father's novels, and attending school.
Web. 25 Mar 2011. <>.


Here is the first few pages of mt book Oliver Twist. I think you may have heard the qoute "Please sir, I want some more." That came from Oliver Twist. You will hear it here. Enjoy!
Web. 25 Mar 2011. <>.